Interesting.. bullet perfectly dodged

I enjoyed reading this

Thanks for sharing

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Sep 2Liked by Wendy Martin

Wow… and good riddance.

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Hmmmm . . . if staying informed on what's going on in the world is being a conspiracy theorist, we're in trouble! Whoa is right!

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I was a caregiver for my late husband for 17 years.

I belonged to several caregiver support groups.

Although I didn’t have the desire to have a romantic relationship outside my marriage, I know many people who did.

One man’s wife has dementia and has been in a nursing home for about 15 years.

Should he have put his life on hold?

I don’t think so!

If you haven’t lived through something like this — or even if you have — no one should judge.

Do what is right for you!

As a widow, I don’t think I’d date someone who was married to a person with Alzheimer’s or other disability.

As far as the Bill Clinton rumor — if I were on a first date and someone said that to me, I’d see a RED FLAG! 🚩

I probably would give him an earful then and there.

Again, that’s just me!

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🤣 tinfoil hat on next time ;)

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Aug 31·edited Aug 31Liked by Wendy Martin

LOL! Glorioski, girl! You're really good at dodging all these bullets.

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Maybe that should be a subtitle:

Dodging Bullets

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I can relate to oversharing on the first date, but I don't make my dating decisions by committee. It's interesting because I saw an episode of 60 minutes years ago about early onset Alzheimers and the reporter's wife was suffering from the disease. She was in a nursing home (a high end place), and no longer remembered him. He had legally divorced her and remarried, but they went to see his now ex wife every week. I don't think people can understand what it's like to lose your spouse if they haven't lived through it. That said, I wouldn't necessarily lead with all that information on a first date.

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Well that was a frog you nicely avoided. You and my girlfriend are brave women meeting another human with whom you may end up sharing the rest of your life with. She found a good one but she did kiss a few frogs before she found one that turned into her prince. Loving your stories.

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Well, I needed a good laugh, and you sure came through 🤣. How do you find these losers? I guess you got a free lunch and a good story out of this experience, but really, still married? Big buzzer on that one. Hilarious!

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Looks like you dodged another bullet, Wendy! I know of arrangements similar to what Stan was looking for. The ill wife was covered by the husband's health insurance and the man didn't have the heart to divorce the wife and pull the health insurance rug from beneath her. I suppose that's commendable; and, as long as the new woman is willing to go along with it (like two women I know), it's a matter of "different strokes for different folks". But, Stan's overreaction to your Clinton comment and his son's involvement/interference were clear signs of trouble ahead. So, it was just as well to let him believe his misconception of you and go his own way.

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I believe you were lucky.

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Are there really that many nutters out there? Apparently so. Glad you escaped again!

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WOW! I'm male, although no longer with my ex Mary, we are still best friends after almost 30 years 25 as a couple! I wouldn't feel right dating or even trying to date anyone whilst I still have a great Friendship with Mary, it would be like cheating on her. Iam 60 Mary is 89 this year, no she isn't Rich financially ( I have always paid and still help her now) . Mary is Rich in personality and I still love her and am "InLove" with her, she tells me she still Loves me but isn't "In Love" with me now? . She decided we shouldn't be together as a couple as she felt I should be with someone younger? As much as Love my Mary I will never understand her! We are best Friends her apartment is literally across the hall from mine, She is an Amazing Lady who changed me from being a bit arrogant and flashy into the Decent ( I hope) person I am today. I'm no longer driving flashy cars ( I still drive my 1986 Audi, I just couldn't get rid of it) I no longer dress all the time in suits,but wear comfortable clothes! I don't waste money as I no longer have much, through disability I no longer work.

This story has opened my eyes to what perhaps I could have turned into, thankfully Mary stopped me from becoming a jerk. I will always be grateful to Mary

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Being speechless and leaving immediately was the correct the Ng to do in my opinion!

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Whoa. We meet all sorts of craziness out there…

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Wendy, that was a wonderfully funny, and yet scary, story about an atrocious date. I'm surprised that he didn't ask her to help him wash his wife or change her Depends. Well done!

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